Equal not Equal

As I sit and watch ABC This Week on TV is a report on Black Mayors of large cities. Is it about time, yes! But if the goal is for equality then they have failed. Why do they keep separating them out? They separate stories by race, by ethnicity and gender. Large city Mayors face the same problems, no matter who they are.

It appears that the tide has turned. While they are attempting to right the wrongs that have been done in the past, they have gone overboard. What is next? I’ll tell you, it won’t be White Mayors of large Cities. Or for sure it won’t be Black and White Women Governor’s.

Now before you all start calling me names and accusing me of things I am not, take a deep breath.

This all stems from my time on a school board, where at the Conventions they had different Caucus groups, like the Black Womens Caucus and the Hispanic Women’s Caucus. But nowhere was a White Woman’s Caucus, what, we didn’t have our own issues to discuss?

This world has come a long way and yes the trip is not over, by any stretch of the imagination. But it will forever be separate and apart as long as we continue to be put in a news story that Divides us, not Unites Us!

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Dr. Dr. Duplication of Services

This has gone far enough, I am taking my health concerns I my own hand. I will no longer sit by and repeat everything that is in Promedica My Chart. This happened to me this week, appointment #1 Pre Op appointment to meet the Dr. who will be doing my procedure. I have only ever been seen by his Nurse/Asst. So in she walks for my appointment and we go over all the usual information. I asked if Dr. Batista would be in to meet with me? No, he was busy with other patients.

The next week was my Pre Op test. All they did was go over the same thing that I did at the Dr. office. They did take a blood sample that they would need. They then gave me a sheet of available Covid testing sites. I would need to call and set it up for 3 days before my procedure.

Once home I called the Covid testing number only to be told, I can’t schedule it myself. They need a directive from the Dr. Then they would call me to arrange it.

I have had it……!!!!!!

They also request you bring a list of medication, Surgeries, and Doctors. WHY! The 1st thing they do is log into My Chart and start verifying the information on it. They never look at my list! All this after they ask you to go to My Chart and verify the information. HOW THE HELL MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO GO OVER THIS. NOTHING HAS CHANGED! IF IT DID, IT WOULD BE THERE!!!!

Oh holy living everything that is human and computerized, give me a break.

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Medical Wasteland Epidemic!

Let’s start with something as simple as a blood test. This morning I went for my blood draw. I do this at least twice a year, not so many times to matter? Ok, think about these numbers, 1 person at 1 lab in 1 city on 1 day. Times that by every lab in every city in the U.S. I can’t even fathom how many that would be! Hundreds of Millions every day? For every blood draw they use a Rubber Band and then it gets thrown away, only to end up in a landfill. That is the here and now of these bands that up until a decade ago were reused. How long does it take Rubber to decompose?

That got me to think about all the other items in the Medical field that are filling up the Landfills all over the world. The amount of waste is astronomical.

I could take this and apply it to everything in this universe. But you get the picture of what this is about. The other direction would also be the money it costs to throw things away. This is just SICK!!!!

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CURSE or Cursive

I have a new tablet that came with a pen. So I thought I would try it on this post. Only problem is I can’t find the link for it. So I will just use the keyboard to pen my point. No pun intended YES it is! Will cursive be obsolete in the future? I don’t want to think it will, but a part of me believes it might.

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The Realtor, Then vs Now

I was a Real Estate Sales lady, way back in the 1970’s. We worked with MLS books, no computers! We would receive an update every morning of the new listings. The listing Realtor would hold an open house just for the salesmen to view. If you were working with a Buyer that might like it, you made sure to check it out. That was how my work day began everyday. There were days I worked all day, then showed houses after dinner. If I wrote up an offer, then presented that offer to the seller, I wouldn’t get home until very late! And would need to be back in the office early so I could begin the paperwork.

I was a successful saleslady but that was soon to change. The company I worked for was sold to another company. As soon as we were told, my Manager quit. I was asked to be the interim Manager until they decided if they would keep our office open. They made me an offer that was hard to refuse. But would my salespeople be happy with me as their Manager. They all said they would stay on with me and work to keep our office a success. The first day as Manager, my Secretary gave me a sign for my office, it said, “The Queen Is Not Granting Audiences Today.” I would put it up when I was unavailable to chit chat! The only big change I made was regarding Floor Duty. My salespeople needed to be in the office for their required time. If they didn’t come in and didn’t call me with a valid reason, I took all leads. One time a call came in for a listing of an expensive home. The guy who was scheduled for floor duty wasn’t there and didn’t call me. I gave the listing to another agent. He was so mad at me, he quit! After 6 months on the job, they brought in one of their Managers to take over the office. He was not wanting to lose me as a Saleslady, so he offered to pay me to be his Assistant. It was not easy going from Sales to Management to Sales in the same office with the same staff. I stayed with the company for 6 months then quit! I was done. I went into Property Management no more nights or weekends. I finally had time for everything and everyone. No more crazy working hours.

Real Estate Salespeople today have it so easy as compared to back in the 1970’s and earlier!


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Duck, Duck, Geese

As I was leaving Flower Hospital the other day, I noticed a car with the following written on it “Ohio Geese Patrol”. I watched as the guy got out of the car and also took a dog out from the back of the car. Now I was really intrigued as to what he was doing walking around the pond, letting the dog sniff the ground! This beautiful dog was sniffing for nests of eggs. You see that is how they are controlling the geese population without hurting the geese that laid the eggs. I checked out their website and so should you, https://www.ohiogeesecontrol.com

I found the story of this company so interesting to read. I believe they are providing a much needed service, but all the while protecting the geese. Not too different every year when the deer population is culled. If you are looking for a new job, check them out, they are hiring!

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And So It Goes…..!!!!

The difference between what is and what was is mind boggling. Well I am going old school. Go ahead and knock on my door. If you find yourself in my neighborhood and have a few spare minutes, I’m here for you. No need to call first, just come on by like the old days. People today stand on way to much ceremony. Back in the day, we loved visiting with our parents and grandparents. Heck, even with Aunt’s and Uncles and Cousins. If your family lives close by, there is no excuse for not getting together. I have friends that are closer to me than some family. We would call our parents just to say Hi, how are you? We visited on a regular basis. Try going old School and see what happens!

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Do Not Block Driveway

I saw a post on Facebook that made my blood boil!. Actually it’s not the message or who posted it as much as why it needs to be said to begin with! Here is the message posted by our local Fire Station;

ATTN!!! With all the construction, please do not block the Fire Station driveway! We need to leave quickly and safely to get to our emergency. Thank you!!!!!

I have conplained about this issue for many years now! Drivers who block driveways to businesses and side streets! Only a few of these have permanent signs that prohibits blocking the driveways! This is all basic Driving 101.

This also goes into all the idiot drivers that do not pull over for emergency vehicles like they should! I have been both a patient and a family member in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. When minutes matter and the driver has to sound the siren and honk the horn all while slowing down is it beyond scary!!!!


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Judy vs Pay Pal vs UPS

This saga began back on June 27, 2021 when I saw an ad for something I wanted to buy. Click went my finger and I hit buy! I fill out all the prompts and pay for this with my PayPal account. The company I ordered this through is Thomas Johannes Bertus Company. I had second thoughts about this purchase and put in a claim with PayPal to dispute the transaction. I heard from them re: PayPal the company assuring me they are a real company and my item would be shipped out soon. So I waited and I waited and then I got tired of waiting. Once again I looked to PayPal for help. They contacted the seller who gave them a UPS tracking number and delivery date of July 8, 2021 at 4:57 Driver released! But I never got it! Here begins the real fun that caused me to fight the system. PayPay ruled in favor of the seller saying they provided the proof of delivery. NO THEY DID NOT, in my mind. So I called UPS, gave them the tracking # and was told that that number does not match the name or address of where it was delivered. I call PayPal and tell them what UPS said. PayPal wanted me to get an email from UPS and then forward it to them. I call UPS back and they say no we can’t do that! I said I need to speak with a Supervisor, so on the line comes Jeff! He says the same thing, sorry we don’t do that! Then will you call PayPal and tell them what happened. Long story short, I am on a 3 way phone call with PayPal and Jeff from UPS. We all agreed that I should not be denied a refund. PayPal reopened the case, ruled in my favor and gave me the credit. THE END I WON!!!! Don’t mess with old people, we have been there, done that, many times!!!! Sometimes you just have to fight for what’s right!!!! I’ll fight until the day I die!!!!!

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Spring Fling

I want to shout out to the staff of Kingston Healthcare for a fun and informative time this morning. It was “Ask the Doctor” your health questions from Dr. Neeraj Kanwal, MD. He spoke to us about the updates on COVID/vaccines and staying healthy. Next, we did a 30 minute exercise class with Roseann-Kingston’s Wellness Coordinator. Then we learned how to make a mask from a tube sock! And finally it was time to pick 5 winners for a door prize. Yes, I won, lucky me. I will be receiving a lovely fruit basket from Kingston. The hour zoom time went by so quickly. Karen Culler is always so upbeat and keeps things moving along to make sure we cover everything on the flyer! I am looking forward to our next Zoom time! Thanks all!

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